About us

Coco Chanel

Birthdate: Sept 2021              Miniature Doxie


Nick Names: Coco Loco - Coco Cinnamon - Coco Mocho

I am the leader of this group even though everyone else thinks they are.  Allowing the others think they do, keeps the balance.  




(Still waiting for Middle name)

Birthdate: January 2023              Mini Cream Long Hair Doxie


Nick Names: Cash Aroo - Crash Smash

The New guy and "Leader of The Pack Cough, Cough"! Entertainment Commitee Leader and All Around Rolling Ball of Fur..



(I had a rough Life before coming here.  I am a Fear Dog and need emotional Support)

Birthdate:    Oct 2017           Chi-Weenie


Nick Names: Buffy the Cooper Slayer

I have come a long way and have started to defend what is mine.  My parents always want to love on me 

and I have started to accept affection...


The Original
Birthdate:  July 2009             Chug


Nick Names: Cooper the Super Duper Pooper Scoper

This is an older Picture.  I am 14 years old and have cataracts and diabetes. 

I have had a great life and I am just trying to keep these newbies in Line.